Copyright 2025 - Ellis County Sheriffs Office

Crime Prevention

The mission of the Crime Prevention Division at the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office is to bridge the gap between the citizens and the Sheriff’s Office by making the general public aware that there are several courses of action citizens can take to make themselves, their families, their businesses, and their homes less susceptible to crime. The Sheriff’s Office has five Crime Prevention Specialists who provide several programs to accomplish this purpose.

By educating the community on crime prevention techniques, home safety inspections, and by involving citizens more in crime prevention activities, we can reduce the number of crimes in Ellis County and increase the quality of life for our citizens. The Ellis County Sheriff’s Office recognizes a shared responsibility and connection between the police and the community in making Ellis County a safer, more livable county.

Crime Prevention Programs

General Presentation - This summary program urges neighbors to join with the criminal justice system to help them become less vulnerable targets for criminals. Speaking to civic organizations, church groups, neighborhood associations, service clubs and other groups about the problem of residential burglary, our staff encourages those attending to host Neighborhood Watch organizing meetings for their neighborhoods.

Sexual Assault and Women’s Safety - Usually presented to groups of females (but available to anyone), this program discusses personal safety in general, with emphasis on sexual assault and rape prevention. Types of rapists are discussed along with recommended safety measures and prevention techniques. Date rape, rape crisis intervention and related matters are included in the presentation.

Children's Crime Prevention Program - Using "McGruff the Crime Dog" and other characters, this program educates elementary-age children regarding basic matters relating to crime and safety. Subjects covered include securing your belongings, home burglary, telephone caution, personal safety and child abuse victimization. Children are then invited to help McGruff "Take a Bite out of Crime."

Bullying - This program is geared towards today’s youth on how to identify and prevent bullying in their schools.

Home Inspections - You could receive up to a 10-percent discount just by having one of our specialists come out and perform a safety inspection on your residence.

Mobile Community Theft Awareness Program - In this program our five specialists periodically saturate your neighborhoods looking for situations that can attract criminals.

National Night Out - A national program that joins communities together in a stand against crime.

Identity Theft Program - This is to educate citizens on ways to protect their most valued information.

Church Safety Seminars - This program is designed to provide churches with knowledge to better protect their congregations.

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